Saturday 23 August 2014

Happy Monday - Bangkok, Thailand to Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Morning everyone,

So, after we touched down in Bangkok last Monday we spent the first few days readjusting to the heat. We wandered Bangkoks' streets soaking up the sounds, smells and sun! 

Riverside views

Royal palace and emerald budda

Alleyway we were staying on

After a few days though we were on the move again, back to the airport as the next stop was Siem Reap, Cambodia. As soon as we landed and hopped in the tuk tuk we felt a completely different pace. Even though Siem Reap is quite touristy everyone seems to move a bit slower, so we instantly fell in love with the place. 

The view from our first tuk tuk

One of the main streets in Siem Reap

We spent our first full day wandering around the markets and the back streets...

The south east Asia part of the trip was one that we were really looking forward to, if Central and South America were all about sun, Mayan ruins and getting to grips with Spanish and NZ and Oz were all about reconnecting with friends and family then Asia is definitely all about the smells, colour and most importantly the FOOD! We've only been here a week and already we've experienced some of the freshest and tastiest dishes we've ever had....

Street food in Bangkok

Noodles in The New Leaf Book Cafe, Siem Reap

Khmer Kitchen, Siem Reap

One of the things that Siem Reap is famed for is the nearby Angkor Wat and it's surrounding temples, so on our last day we got up super early (3.30am) to get to the site for sunrise....

Amazing sunrise!

We spent the next few hours being driven around by tuk tuk visiting the surrounding temples...

Swatting up on the history

Elephant terrace

Ko Phrom- trees intertwined with temple

The next day we travelled 7 hours on a bus to Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia. A much bigger city with lots to see and do, but you'll hear all about that next week!

The weeks highlights:

Best view: The sunrise was our best view this week, the colours were just amazing!

Best food: The food IS the highlight so far, so many great dishes!! But, maybe our love Monday dishes were the best... Even if we say so ourselves!! 

Love Monday Funday: Given that we love the food so much, we decided to enroll on a Cambodian cooking course. Such a great morning! We started off at the local market collecting all of our ingredients before learning how to make, vegetable spring rolls, sweet and sour sauce and fish amok, just a few pics........ 

Local market

Fish amok ready to steam in banana leaves!

Such a great day, met some lovely people and learnt some new cookery skills- perfect, couple of beers and then off to see some of the local sights.

Number of hours on a bus: 7

Number of hours on a plane: 1

Number of tuk tuk rides: 5

Have a great Monday...  Hope it's a fab one!

Love Lisa and Rach xx

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